We believe that personal data privacy is a right, not a privilege. In the interest of transparency for our users, we are committed to maintaining this page to provide a readable yet detailed description of our data collection practices.
Note: This page only details operations performed in the background and does not include information that you directly give to us (i.e. your email, sex, hometown, personal interests, etc.) through your profile setup or other means within the app.
Why we need it: No, we're not keeping records of your nightly trips to Krispy Kreme. This data is only used to power our Nearby feature, which compares your current location to the other students studying for your selected course.
When we collect it: Every time you open or re-open the app.
How long is it stored: Only your last recorded location is stored; when you open the app again, it will immediately be overwritten with the current location.
How to opt out: Disable location permissions for the StudyDate app in your device's Settings. Note that this will only stop future collections- if you had this feature enabled initially, disabling it will not remove your most recently stored location from our database.
Third-Party Services
The StudyDate app integrates select third-party services that may perform additional data collection. While we cannot guarantee that these services are not collecting any additional data than what is described on this page, we will disclose the third-party services we use with links to their websites, as well as disclose what we integrate these services for:
- Google Analytics: This service collects metadata (not able to be associated with any individual user) to help us analyze how people are using our service as a whole.
- Sentry: This service only collects information about your device upon encountering a bug in our app, which is used by us to more quickly resolve the issue.